Enhance Agricultural Water Productivity
The primary objective of the project is to increase agricultural water productivity in the project areas, aiming to achieve more rupees per drop.
Collaborating with strong partners, we are committed to driving sustainable solutions for a greener, more prosperous Sindh.
The driving force behind national development, providing strategic guidance and policy support.
A global financial institution offering financial and technical expertise for sustainable development.
Tedicated to ensuring food security and promoting agricultural research.
Overseeing Pakistan s water resources management and development.
The lead agricultural agency in Sindh, responsible for promoting agricultural growth and development.
Providing agricultural extension services to farmers at the grassroots level.
The project is in
accordance with
the strategic
directions of food security in Pakistan Vision
2025. Pakistan is facing food and water security, in spite being agriculture-based economy. As
food and water security are real concerns for governments worldwide, therefore, the nexus
between food and water can further help in making water strategy for Sindh. Pakistan’s current
water availability is comparatively less than other countries therefore making it “water
stressed” and directing it towards “water scarce.”
Further this project is in line with the
National Water Policy 2018; the object of water policy is to identify the emerging water crisis
and provide an overall policy framework and guidelines for comprehensive policy action. The
National Water Policy 2018 is a national framework within which the provinces will develop their
master plans for sustainable development and management of water resources.
The formulation of
Agriculture Policy was requirement of Sindh Government after 18th amendment of the constitution
of Pakistan due to complete responsibility of agriculture are to be performed by the provincial
governments.SWAT will help adjust the role of government in agriculture and water management and
facilitate a transformation along the three dimensions ‘agriculture, water resources, and water
service delivery.
The primary objective of the project is to increase agricultural water productivity in the project areas, aiming to achieve more rupees per drop.
The project seeks to establish a robust institutional framework for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).
The project aims to support policy reforms in the agricultural sector, aligning with the objectives of the National Water Policy 2018
Insufficient information is hampering the ability of Sindh to properly deliver canal water services, manage water and environmental resources, and support agricultural growth. The HAI program will help Sindh build the foundation needed for filling this information gap through application of new tools for monitoring both water and agriculture. This integrated approach will help Sindh leap-frog into a modern water and agricultural management system where decisions across the scales are informed by continuous, reliable, and accessible data.
The project will support a “HAI Center” which will be a service provider for the IWRD, Agriculture Department, Environment Department, and Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA). These departments will collect the ground-based information and send to the Center where the collected ground data will be processed and complimented with remote sensing data, into a series of data products and tools to allow the users including the departments to make better management decisions. FAO, through its GCF funded project “Transforming the Indus Basin with Climate Resilient Agriculture and Water Management” will provide additional support to the HAI program
The HAI program will utilize a sophisticated GIS based platform with associated databases that will include the following data elements: i) remote sensing; ii) canal flow monitoring; iii) groundwater monitoring; iv) environmental information; and v) agrometeorological monitoring. Services envisioned to be provided through the HAI Center in collaboration with relevant departments include: i) crop monitoring and productivity reports; ii) canal flow monitoring reports; iii) water balance reports; iv) flood monitoring and mapping; v) drought monitoring; and vi) agro-met communication to farmers. The HAI Center will also be responsible for measuring agricultural water productivity in the pilot FO subprojects.
The HAI Center operations will be contracted out to the Mehran University’s Center for Advanced Studies in Water with staff seconded from both the IWRD and the Agriculture Department. The project will finance the operations for the HAI Center as well as a TA program to help set up its operations. The general structure of the HAI Center is presented below
Sindh water and Agriculture Transformation (SWAT) Project inaugural workshop held at SIDA secretariat Hyderabad.attended by World Bank, Agriculture, Area Water Board, FAO, PCMU officials and farmers. On that occasion aims and objectives of project discussed in details. On 10th January 2023
A Project Steering Committee (PSC) for implementation of the World Bank financed Sindh Water & Agriculture Transformation (SWAT) Project constituted.
The Final Draft of the Sindh Water Policy was presented to the Sindh Cabinet for approval, and after thorough discussions, it received approval for adoption.
Sindh water and Agriculture Transformation (SWAT) Project inaugural workshop held at SIDA secretariat Hyderabad.attended by World Bank, Agriculture, Area Water Board, FAO, PCMU officials and farmers. On that occasion aims and objectives of project discussed in details. On 10th January 2023
A Project Steering Committee (PSC) for implementation of the World Bank financed Sindh Water & Agriculture Transformation (SWAT) Project constituted.